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Software & Tools

The following software is used to build and contribute to Nitrox.

Required tools

NOTE If you know what you're doing you can, of course, pick your own poison.

  1. MS Visual Studio 2022 Community or Jetbrains Rider or just the VS BuildTools for CLI build.
  2. Git Bash (note: you can also install msys2 and install your favorite Unix tools + git from there)
  3. Subnautica from Steam or Epic

Optional tools

NOTE You may need some of these tools depending on your setup. If you're new to programming these are recommended.

  1. dnSpy or dnSpyEx To decompile and live debug Subnautica code
  2. UABEA Unity game assets viewer
  3. SourceTree This is a visual tool to help with Git. Though it is highly recommended to learn the git CLI.
  4. Additional Microsoft .NET components, such as .NET SDKs and .NET targeting packs.
  5. Unity 2019.4.36f1 if you want to work on visual aspects of the mod/game.
  6. SonarLint / ReSharper plugin for Visual Studio to help you improve your code quality.