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Setting up a development environment for Nitrox

Please be aware that this mod is in its early stages of development, and that the steps below are to set up a development environment for Nitrox. These steps are not for a regular install of this mod. We discourage the use of this mod for casual play until a stable public release has been made.

Repository setup

  1. Fork the repository to your own Github account (use the fork button top-right).
  2. Pull git repository locally: git clone<your-github-name>/Nitrox.git
  3. If you want to add the main Nitrox repository as upstream (recommended): git remote add upstream

Nitrox setup (using an IDE)

Make sure Subnautica is not on legacy. The master branch of Nitrox always targets the latest Subnautica code.

  1. Load Nitrox.sln inside MS Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider
  2. Run dotnet restore
  3. Build the entire solution. If build fails due to dependency issues then rebuild after trying the following:
    1. Clear your IDE's index cache AND restart the IDE.
  4. Use the built NitroxLauncher.exe to start the server and Subnautica.

Nitrox setup (CLI)

Make sure you have an up-to-date Microsoft .NET SDK:

dotnet build

For release builds, run this command:

dotnet build -c Release

Verify setup

  1. Run NitroxServer (if not already started) and verify that server window shows no (critical) errors.
  2. Start Subnautica (if not already started).
  3. If you see a Multiplayer button then Nitrox has been bootstrapped successfully.
  4. Verify Subnautica logs from the Nitrox Logs folder in the launcher directory or %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica\Player.log (Search for nitrox, verify no code exceptions)
    • NOTE: There will probably be some errors, but nothing substantial in the first part regarding loading of Nitrox.
  5. On the main menu of Subnautica, join a new game by connecting through the multiplayer button in the UI. If you want to connect to your own server, use the "My server" option which uses IP.